Global Objective:
Contribute to the improvement of the youth’s life conditions for their complete development
Specific Objective:
Promote the creation of some activities in favor of the young and the reinforcement of their capacities.
Kolping youth in Cameroon is in the center of all the attention seizing the invitation of the international community and the church especially the one of my country. During their visits the pastors emphasize on the diversity of youth movements and their importance as a recruiting ground for the Catholic Church. And there Kolping Cameroon lead by Alain Serge BABA, who shows himself very dynamic in his ambitious program to regroup the following domains: Spirituality, environment, health, education, agropastoralism, sports and free time activities.
The spirituality is marked by the recollections during the time when the young people engage themselves with Kolping’s spirit, the social doctrine of the church and the retreats to deepen the spirituality in young age.
In the area of environmental protection a program is foreseen to rebuild a sensitive ecosystem especially in certain localities, where the chosen slogan is “one youth one tree”. For example, the Diocese of Batoury with the project of the altar boy in collaboration with the bishop of Batouri protector of the oeuvre in Cameroon.
In the domain of health, a sensitization program for young people in the rural and urban milieus on the preventive methods to fight against endemic diseases.
In the domain of education we look for a partnership with certain organisms, a refresh program for pupils and students and in certain orphanages.
In the domain of sports and free time activities the years are marked by the championships for the multidisciplinary holidays for the youth in the cities and the rural areas, the visits of zoological and botanical gardens, and the trips to the hinterland. All these activities are punctuated by competitions and raffles.
A volunteering program for youth see the day in 2013
Slogan: Youth in the service and exchange de culture
For young people that want to enrich their life experience, Kolping’s work allows each year a possibility in a volunteering activity in a district, city or country. This is possible thanks to the Kolping community that is an association of sending and hosting the program “youth in action” which means that it helps to organize volunteering programs and adopts the volunteers who want to work.
Due to volunteering, the youth has a chance to meet a different culture, acquire new competences and learn a different culture as theirs.
Everybody that has free time an wishes to use that time for providing help to others, can work as a volunteer in Kolping and more specifically with young people.
Volunteering is also a part of your projects based on the jobless people or people with working difficulties, those engage in working with others to break their passivity and improve their competences while sharing with others.
Alain Serge BABA
Responsible de Kolping Jeune Cameroun
Translated by Heinz Strässle