Dear Friends, Kolping Youth members!
We feel very excited to invite you to the next European Kolping Youth Week!
As many of you know, European Youth Week is the main event of the Kolping Youth Europe and the idea is that young people from Europe get in touch with each other, to learn together and spend quality time.
This year, the host of the Youth Week will be Serbia, and the event will take place in the Sremski Karlovci (Novi Sad) between the 19th and 25th of July!
Every Youth Week has its specific theme, and for the Youth Week 2021. we choose to concentrate on the digital youth work.
The main topic of the Week is: “Let’s get digital! – Innovation in the digital Youth Work!”
Today, more than ever, digital work is crucial for working and learning as well, so we want for our members to gain specific skills to deal with the challenges in the digital youth work and to adapt to the specific situation regarding the pandemic in the best possible way.
We are sure that all of us are missing hanging out with friends, so besides many lectures by the prestigious guest speakers, we organize leisure time, visits to the Novi Sad, and sightseeing the beautiful city.
Kolping Youth Week will be held in the Eco center Radulovacki, in the Sremski Karlovci, on the slopes of Fruska Gora and the banks of Danube.
More information about accommodation and location you can find here: http://www.ekoloskicentar.org/onama1.html
Please, send your registration form until 20th May, 2021 and don’t start your travel planing before you recieve a confirmation for your registration. The applications form as well as invitiation card you can find in below in the attached files.
For all other information, you can write to our youth advisor Nikolina – contact@kolpingyoutheurope.com
You are more than welcome to join us, and with the following and respecting of all the prescribed measures, to spend together wonderful week and make lasting memories. 🙂