From April 18-21, youth associations initiated thousands of projects within the 72 hours
campaign. These projects aimed to “make the world a better place”, and most of them
took place in Germany at local level. Kolping Youth Europe, however, connected 30
participants from 11 different countries in close collaboration with Kolping Romania. In
Timisoara, the group visited a daycare centre for children with disabilities, learned about
the importance of inclusion, and shared good practice examples of social projects.
The visit of the daycare centre “Sf. Maria” Carani aimed to connect young people with and
without disabilities. In an interactive workshop, participants were dancing together, played
games related to the topic of recycling, and created new decorations from recycled materials
(upcycling). The international participants enjoyed a game where they had to sort waste, as
they learned a lot of Romanian words for different colours and materials; this game brought
the group closer together and helped to bridge the language gap.
On the next day, the international participants reflected the visit of the daycare centre and
learned more about the life of people with disabilities. Everyone could experience sitting in a
wheelchair or living with visual impairment (in particular, being blind). In addition,
participants received specific guidance on how to help people with these disabilities. In
addition, volunteers from Kolping Youth Romania implemented an awareness raising
campaign in the city centre of Timisoara and on social media, advocating for the importance
of inclusion.
Within the 72 hours, the young adults also met the mayor of Timisoara, Dominic Fritz. In an
inspiring speech, he talked about the history of Timisoara as a European city which unites
citizens from different cultural backgrounds (e.g., Romanians, Hungarians, Germans,
Serbians). He underlined the importance of cultural diversity as a driver for change, as new
ideas can lead to innovative solutions to contemporary challenges. After meeting the mayor,
the participants celebrated a Holy Mass with Bishop József-Csaba Pál in the Cathedral of
At the end of the 72 hours, the participants shared their experience at the Continental
Assembly of Kolping Europe which took place in parallel. The Continental Assembly is the
highest decision-making body of Kolping at European level, and united this year
representatives of 16 national Kolping Societies. The delegates appreciated the social
commitment of the young people and congratulated Kolping Romania and Kolping Youth
Europe to this event.
This project within the 72 hours campaign received financial support of the Renovabis
Foundation, Kolping Europe and Kolping Romania. In addition, board members of Kolping
Germany made a donation to the daycare centre “Sf. Maria” Carani; this donation will be
invested into a new table fitting the needs of children in wheelchairs. We appreciate this
support and thank everyone who contributed to this unique event!