1st Kolping Talk: Kolping Youth Activities in Africa

More than 30 Kolping Youth members from all over the world took part in something completely new on February 25th. Namely, in order to adjust our activities to the pandemic due restrictions, Kolping Youth Europe decided to introduce a new digital offer called Kolping Talk. Through these online events we aim to initiate an exchange about different topics and projects. The idea is to invite interesting guests to share their experience and to discuss together with other Kolping members worldwide.

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Kolping Talk: New digital offer at European level

Kolping Youth Europe developed a new digital offer that aims to initiate an exchange about different topics and projects that are relevant for young Kolping members. The “Kolping Talks” are also an opportunity for young people from different countries to connect with each other during the pandemic. In February and March 2021, the first two “Kolping Talks” will take place and inform about Kolping in Africa and Honduras.

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Kolping at the Economy of Francesco

From 19.-21. November 2020, young people from 115 countries participated in the international online event “The Economy of Francesco” that was supposed to take place as a personal meeting in Assisi in spring. They were invited by Pope Francis in order to initiate a process of global economic change. Among the participants were two young Kolping members from Europe, Dominik Presul (Slovakia) and Sven Messing (Germany).

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Fireside chat: 25 years of Kolping Youth Europe

Founded in 1995, Kolping Youth Europe is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2020. To connect the different generations that were active during the past quarter of a century, the board of Kolping Youth Europe invited several people that were very active in the organisation’s history. On October 17th, around 20 Kolping Youth members from all over Europe met six guests: Dagmar Kubova (Czech Republic), Saskia Aalbers-Hol (Netherlands), Robert Tezzele (South Tyrol), Galja Ieronima (Ukraine), Patrycja Kwapik (Poland), and Zdravko Isakov (Serbia).

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“I can’t believe I forgot my mask again…”, “When is this going to be over?”, “I feel like we’re the first generation ever that didn’t get to celebrate graduation.”, “I miss going out with my friends so much.”, “I think that I will go crazy if I apply for another webinar.”, “I live for the day to take my passport and go on holidays.”, “Okay, sorry, I will turn off my microphone.” Do you find these statements familiar? Probably yes, just like many youngsters from different Kolping societies who joined the Membership Meeting 2020 that took place online on 17th October.

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As the whole world has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, we all had to learn new ways how to adapt to the new situation. As a consequence, on 17th October 2020 Kolping Youth Europe held its annual Membership Meeting online for the first time in the history of the organization. 22 Kolping Youth members from 13 different countries joined. 

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In September 2020, Kolping Youth Europe opened a new office in Novi Sad (Serbia) and hired Nikolina Lazendić as a new youth advisor. She cooperates with Patrycja Kwapik who is located in Kraków (Poland) and started to work for Kolping Youth Europe in 2013. Both youth advisors work part-time for Kolping Youth Europe and are additionally involved in current projects of their national Kolping Societies.

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Full of positive memories, we are looking back to the Membership Meeting of Kolping Youth Europe in Luborzyca (near Krakow), which took place between the 22nd to 24th of November 2019. More than 30 young Kolping members from 15 different countries participated and shared our experience regarding youth work in their country. But let’s start from the beginning…

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23 representatives from 11 different countries met in Budapest from 08.-10. March 2019 for the annual Membership Meeting of Kolping Youth Europe. The delegates represented the national Kolping Societies from Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Ukraine.

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